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HCL Domino Ideas Portal

Welcome to the #dominoforever Product Ideas Forum! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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AppDev Pack

Showing 30

Domino AppDev Pack Support for MIME Fields

MIME Fields provides a perfect container for storing large JSON datasets. Currently there is not support in the Domino AppDev Pack to support this. Rich Text is not appropriate because it does not provide a clean read and write of JSON data.
almost 4 years ago in Domino / AppDev Pack 0 Under Consideration

Add some tasks in list of monitor the status in "Task status event generator".

There are not the following tasks in list of monitor the status in "Task status event generator". DBMT Proton Inline Index Statlog Add them in the list. We think that all Domino tasks could be included in the list.
almost 4 years ago in Domino / Administration / AppDev Pack 3 Assessment

Add NotesAdministrationProcess class to AppDev Pack

Currently the appdev pack does not provide API access to the Notes Administration Process (i.e the NotesAdministrationProcess class like we have for SSJS in XPages and LotusScript). Would be a great addition to the appdev pack.
about 4 years ago in Domino / AppDev Pack 2 Under Consideration

Let DQL include $Fields in queries

A lot of internal states and information in a Domino App lives in $-Fields in Documents. Currently, DQL does not support those in a query so we can't e.g. de-select replication/save conflicts or select only documents that have attachments or docum...
about 4 years ago in Domino / AppDev Pack 1 Under Consideration

let domino-db return flags for conflicts and responses in bulkRead Operations etc.

currently, when doing a query using domino-db and getting a list of unids back, we currently can't see what type of document we are getting back, especially, we have no indication of save/replication conflicts or response hirarchies. That might be...
about 4 years ago in Domino / AppDev Pack 0 Under Consideration

Allow to choose which parameters to output to 3rd monitoring tools

HCL documentation says that All numeric Domino statistics are reported, but we'd like to configure the json/post output to only include specific stats - or filter out the ones we don't need.
over 4 years ago in Domino / AppDev Pack 1 Under Consideration

IAM Allow edit of callback url

It would be good to be able to change the callback url of an application after the application is saved. Right now you have to create a new application, delete the old one and change the application id and secret.
over 4 years ago in Domino / AppDev Pack 0 Under Consideration

Provide more Domino API for domino-db package like ACL, get NSF Roles, etc

Domino-db is great package but still can't be used as XPAGES alternative. Some API missing like how to get current user's roles. So please provide and port all Domino API into domino-db package.
almost 5 years ago in Domino / AppDev Pack 2 Under Consideration

Offline model implementation for node.js application

As we know that lotus notes provides a strong foundation with replication of mail databases and applications. We have a requirement to have the offline feature to connect to notes apps. Is it possible that the app dev pack can be configured f...
almost 5 years ago in Domino / AppDev Pack 2 No Plans to Implement

Unable to attach file to a specific rich text field from node.js

We have a node js application and the default node api demo application. Proton is running and we are able to connect to the notes application and create and delete documents. When we try to send attachments, it gets attached to the default b...
almost 5 years ago in Domino / AppDev Pack 4 Under Consideration