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HCL Domino Ideas Portal

Welcome to the #dominoforever Product Ideas Forum! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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My ideas

Showing 8461

Allow Export to PDF in Notes to also include File Attachments in the exported PDF Document

In Notes 11.0.1, the feature to export mail document as PDF is possible. However, the attachments in the email is only exported as an icon/image. It would be very helpful if the exported PDF document will also include the attachment or the referen...
over 4 years ago in Notes 1 Assessment

Use Business Card functionality in names.nsf without installing Sametime.

Previously, this feature worked in Domino V10 by uploading photos in person documents and using a customized mail template, but after upgrading to V14, it is no longer functioning. I found the HCL article below, but it requires a Sametime server. ...
2 months ago in Domino / Templates 0 Needs Review
103 VOTE

Add formula for database of embedded view

No description provided
over 6 years ago in Domino Designer / @Formulas 1 Under Consideration

Add lotusscript keystroke events for simple input field

The domino developer should be able to attach lotusscript code to keystroke events for input fields. This would make it possible for development to run lotusscript code when the user presses e.g. the ENTER.
about 6 years ago in Domino Designer / LotusScript 4 Under Consideration

Implement the same behavior of group chat participant list for Notes 12.0.x embedded Sametime 12 client as web client

We have a Sametime 11.6 server. When using Sametime 11.6 Proxy web client having a group chat on Sametime 11.6 server, the offline participant still remains in group chat participant list with offline status. But when using Notes 12.0.2 embedded S...
almost 2 years ago in Sametime / Chat 0 Assessment

Requesting 64 bit version of KillNotes for 64 bit version of Notes Client 12.0.2

Currently 32 bit version of KillNotes working only with 32 bit Notes client. 32 bit version of KillNotes is not killing the 64 bit version of Notes client. We have checked flexnet and third party links but there is not 64 bit version of KillNotes ...
about 2 years ago in Notes 2 Under Consideration

DLAU to be able to deterime CCB and CCX when person document was copied from one domain to another

Current setup: Server1/ACME Server2/ACME1 If I run DLAU as an ACME1 user, on Server2/ACME1, the ACME1 Users become CCB users. If I run DLAU as an ACME user, on Server2/ACME1, the ACME users become CCB users and ignores ACME1 users The idea is to b...
24 days ago in Domino / Administration 1 Needs Review

Monitoring "merge conflicts"

A customer wanted to track the number of replication conflicts, especially merge conflicts. This is one of their requirement because they are facing an issue in their application where document fields are occasionally overwritten unpredictabl...
24 days ago in Domino / Reporting & Analytics 0 Needs Review

Notes/Domino in the investigative realm:

Enhancing Investigations with AI-Powered Notes/Domino Solutions The investigative industry relies on managing vast amounts of data, from digital forensics tools like Magnet AXIOM to TSCM operations. HCL Notes/Domino is already a powerful platform ...
24 days ago in Domino / Reporting & Analytics 2 Needs Clarification

Language Support and Spell-Checking Features in Notes

Expanded Language Support We propose that future releases of Notes include support for additional languages, particularly those with growing user bases across international markets. Expanding the supported languages would significantly enhance the...
3 months ago in Notes 0 Needs Review