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HCL Domino Ideas Portal

Welcome to the #dominoforever Product Ideas Forum! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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My ideas

Showing 8554

Feature in Notes Client (Mac) to gather logs without manually running the starcollector.bat in the terminal and Collect Support Data option in Notes Client

A feature in Notes Client or probably another option in the Menu option to get the complete set of logs(Notes Client logs including the Eclipse logs) and create a zip file to let the customer upload the essential logs on their cases
about 4 years ago in Notes 0 Needs Review

Is it possible to retrieve the deleted responses?

Administrator has accidentally deleted some responses which are in reviewed stage of form. Is it possible to retrieve the lost responses. We should have a "soft" delete capability in the product.
about 2 years ago in LEAP 0 Needs Review

Option to enable "Expand All Sections" permanently

An option is required to enable "Expand All Sections" (it is in Print setup) permanently in File > Preferences > Basic Notes Client Configuration > Additional Options. It has to be enabled in Print Setup every time when printing. So it wi...
about 6 years ago in Notes 0 Under Consideration

Update the elements on every database sign According to this article, there are no updates on the DB elements when subsequently sign by the same ID as Domino recognizes that there are no changes on who signed the...
about 4 years ago in Domino Designer / Views 0 Under Consideration

Access to sign the domino Database with server id , not being a part of local domain admin.

There are some requirements that some domino users are not part of local domain admin group, however they need access to sign the Domino Databases using Server ID. For example : There are developers who are working on the application databases and...
about 3 years ago in Domino / Administration 2 Under Consideration

Receive mails only for a specific time

Customer only wants to receive emails from 8am-5pm on his device and his Notes client. He would like for a feature like this to be added.
about 3 years ago in Notes 2 No Plans to Implement

Allow more than 4K recipients in single SMTP mail

Currently when too many recipients are present in single SMTP mail (like more than 3K), then server cannot store that mail due to recipient limit exceeded and it gives the error on server console as "SMTP Server: Insufficient memory". This is due ...
about 5 years ago in Domino / Administration 1 No Plans to Implement

Remove Workspace Icon border added back in in 12.0.2

I know HCL have a lot more important things to be concerned with in Notes/Designer so I am not usually obsessed with the Workspace, but why has the grey border on icons been reintroduced. It was so much cleaner without in 12.0.1. An option to remo...
about 2 years ago in Notes 5 Needs Review

Add feature to search half-width katakana by full text index

In the Japanese Language, there are half-width katakana and full-width katakana. In the current release, if you search for a keyword in half-width kana, documents containing both full-width and half-width kana keywords will be found by full text s...
about 3 years ago in Domino / Administration 0 Under Consideration

File Open Application (ctrl-O) - Please Add a button to go to previously used server/directory.

I am looking for an faster way to add a database to my workspace from the same server/directory I was using most likely the last time I did so. I add a screenshot. Suggestion is an aditional Icon/Botton in the Dialog . Might be even a cool Ide...
about 5 years ago in Notes 0 Under Consideration