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HCL Domino Ideas Portal

Welcome to the #dominoforever Product Ideas Forum! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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Showing 22

Safelinx should respect p12 file of each http-service. Actually it use the p12 file from the first active http-service

1. Avoid to use OpenSSL to combine many many SSL certificate from different Domains 2. Logical and clear way to handle SSL 1 http-service=1 URL subsubdomain/subdomain/ with 1 TLS certificate 3. Simplify procedure when renew and reinstal...
almost 3 years ago in Safelinx 2 Shipped

Allow CIDR format to specify IP allow-list

This idea suggests to add support for CIDR format in chwg and lswg commands. The SafeLinx chwg admin command can be used to modify the server configuration. We use it to specify IP numbers, which are allowed to do security scans/audits against Saf...
about 3 years ago in Safelinx 0 Shipped

First Steps shows incorrect explanation

Regarding Safelinx Server 1.1, the First Steps in a non-English language shows incorrect explanation. When English, Administrator ID is "admin" and Password is "sl4!admin". But, when non-English, "Gatekeeper" is used instead of "Administrator", ...
over 4 years ago in Safelinx 1 Shipped

login failed with safelinx ldap authentication if password contains a blank (space) at the end

login failed with safelinx LDAP authentication if the password contains a blank (space) at the end. Tested in verse app , ios native mail profile, and Traveler page.
about 2 years ago in Safelinx 0 Shipped

SafeLinx/MySQL: support "caching_sha2_password" authentication plugin instead of "mysql_native_password"

In MySQL 8.0, "caching_sha2_password" is the default authentication plugin compared to "mysql_native_password" in earlier MySQL versions. When configuring MySQL with "caching_sha2_password" (the default authentication plugin in MySQL 8) -- see att...
over 2 years ago in Safelinx 0 Shipped

Ability to have up to 64 digit password to log into Safelinx Gatekeeper.

In Safelinx Gatekeeper we can only store a 14-character password.We would store a 64-digit password for security.
almost 3 years ago in Safelinx 1 Shipped

SafeLinx support for MariaDB

Please expand RDBMS support in SafeLinx to MariaDB.
over 2 years ago in Safelinx 0 Shipped

SafeLinx/Linux: Make DB2 setup more flexible.

During installation of SafeLinx on Linux, SafeLinx as very "particular" ideas on how that should happen. If an admin wants to deviate from the default settingsinstance: wgdbuser: wgdbfencuser: wgdbgroup: db2an install usually fails.The db2 group i...
over 2 years ago in Safelinx 0 Shipped

SafeLinx/Linux: Support newer DB2 versions

During install the SafeLinx installer for Linux prompts: SafeLinx requires DB2 client version (or newer) The most recent version of the DB2 9.x codestream, "9.8", was EOLed: April 30, 2016. As a SafeLinx Administrator, I would expect the S...
over 2 years ago in Safelinx 0 Shipped

Improve SafeLinx Server Silent Install

A "silent" SafeLinx server install via "./install_wg --silent" stops at the prompt "Install SAML Service Provider support? [y]" and waits for a user interaction. a) As a SafeLinx administrator, I want to run a SafeLinx Server "silent" install with...
over 2 years ago in Safelinx 0 Shipped