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HCL Domino Ideas Portal

Welcome to the #dominoforever Product Ideas Forum! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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Showing 8512

New Mail Slide In Summary Notice Preferences

Slide in summary notice for new mail is fine, however, there are times when you want to see an alert, - waiting for an important email, your job role etc. But there are as many times when it is a distaction to those who wish to focus on a single t...
about 2 years ago in Notes 0 Needs Review

Centralise mail template customizations in one place

It would be handy when upgrading. You would only have to look at a central place. More flexible. Bit like the iNotes' forms_x.nsf' way of doing.
about 6 years ago in Domino Designer 0 Under Consideration

Fix the ID vault so it doesn't use a separate ID file or capture that ID file so it isn't lost all the time

Time and time again, I encounter environments where no one has a copy of the ID file used to create the ID Vault. This is because during the process of creating the vault, there was no warning of the importance of the ID file created at the time a...
about 1 year ago in Domino / Security 3 Needs Review

Allow the license tracking processing time to be changed from midnight to another time

License tracking will not work if the system administration server is not running at midnight because no requests are created in the system administration database. Allow the license tracking processing time to be changed from midnight to another ...
about 1 year ago in Domino / Administration 0 Assessment

Allow to unlock Compile/Deploy lock from browser

Please allow to unlock Compile/Deploy lock directly from browser (after some extra confirmation) so developers do not need Notes access to VoltBuilder.nsf or to ask admins to do so.
about 2 years ago in Volt 0 Needs Review

Assist in typing the body of a message when using Nomad for iPhone to compose a message with many recipients.

Please provide a way to assist in typing the body of a message when using Nomad for iPhone to compose a message with many recipients. When many recipients are included in To, CC, and BCC, the body text is not visible on the keyboard, as shown in t...
about 2 years ago in Nomad / Nomad (iOS) 0 Under Consideration

Restrict the number of messages a single user can send in 24 hours to a maximum number of messages

Sometimes users are victims of clever phishing emails sent to them. Unfortunately this opens up the use of their valuable credentials to potential hackers. These hackers can then send email using their credentials. If Domino would have an internal...
about 3 years ago in Domino / Security 3 Under Consideration

Synchronizing of the User ID in mail files ($shimmerid) with the Internet password/ID vault

Synchronizing of the User ID in mail files ($shimmerid) with the Internet password/ID vaultID file can't be uploaded to mail file when SAML is enabled
about 6 years ago in Domino / Security 0 Assessment

Fallback to password authentication when SAML has been activated as

Fallback to password authentication when SAML has been activated as needed. Server should accept SAML and password authentication, depending on the policy
about 6 years ago in Domino / Security 1 Under Consideration

Replication of selected Databases in Workspace

For archiving databases it is neccessary to click on every single database Icon to start the replication. For the future it would be great to have the possibility to mark several databases to replicate them with in one step
about 5 years ago in Notes 3 No Plans to Implement