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HCL Domino Ideas Portal

Welcome to the #dominoforever Product Ideas Forum! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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Showing 232

Outputs of Domino directory service should return AltFullName as well.

Almost all Japanese Domino customers use AltFullName field for setting Japanese user name. Outputs of Domino directory service should return AltFullName as well as other fields.
over 3 years ago in Volt 0 Under Consideration

Deploy with the design open

I want to be able to deploy with the design open. Right now, you can't deploy while the design screen is open. I have to close it once and go to the HCL Domino Volt - Application Manager screen to deploy it, which is a pain.
over 3 years ago in Volt 0 Under Consideration

Search filters should offer the user a selection of values for 'Multi value fields' (Drop Down, Check Box, Select One, Select Many)

The search user interface would be enhanced if when a user creates a search filter, and the item selected is a multi value list field, the system could show the valid values rather than the user having to remember what they are. Control of this...
almost 4 years ago in Volt 0 Needs Clarification

I would like to be able to set the category of the application.

I would like to be able to set the category of the application. There are so many Volt applications that it is difficult to search for them. It would be great if it could be used for searching in the "HCL Domino Volt - Application Manager" screen....
almost 4 years ago in Volt 0 Under Consideration

I'd like to be able to rule on which table columns to display in the form

When I create a table, I can choose which columns to display in the form, but they are only fixed. I would like to be able to decide which columns to display in the rules.
about 4 years ago in Volt 0 Under Consideration

Disable Hide

When testing an application, it is sometimes preactical to see hidden elements, to 'debug'. However, to do this, I need to get rid of all the rules and then create them again - hoping I don't forget something or don't make an error. An option to d...
over 4 years ago in Volt 2 Future Consideration

Possibility to edit a record in a table within a form with the form it corresponds to, not the limited one xcreated for the table

When you show data in a table within a form, if you want to edit a line (record)it, you get a minimum form that correponds to the fields in the table, not the original form attached . It needs all sorts of computations : computing the link, adding...
over 4 years ago in Volt 3 Already Exists

Configure the default sorting of a table in a form

We ought to be able to define the default sorting of any table appearing in a form : column, ascending, descending. At least for the first column.
over 4 years ago in Volt 0 Needs Review

A feature to migrate Domino Leap apps from one server to another

It will be good to have an "Auto-migrate" feature for admins that can help to migrate Domino Leap apps from one server to another server with ease. Currently, we have to manually export apps from one server and then manually import those on anothe...
4 months ago in Volt 0 Needs Review

Dynamic search feature in drop down field

Add dynamic search feature in drop down selection field similar to what we have in Name Picker field. In Name picker field, when we type user name, then the suggestions are shown below. Same way when we type any value in drop down field, it should...
6 months ago in Volt 0 Needs Review