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HCL Domino Ideas Portal

Welcome to the #dominoforever Product Ideas Forum! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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Showing 33

Add "Show auth code in login" GUI option.

Login dialog does not show auth code field for 2FA as default. I know users can show it by changing EnableAuthCode=0 to 1 in artour.ini but it's not smart. I strongly recommed adding "Show auth code in login" GUI option as 2FA got popular. Auth co...
about 3 years ago in Safelinx 1 No Plans to Implement

Duo MFA integration/support (

Adding Duo ( 2FA as an alternative to Radius/Google PAM for MFA support. Duo is widely used in Enterprises and easy to manage/operate.
over 3 years ago in Safelinx 1 No Plans to Implement

Nomad Web: Access restriction for specific Domino servers

Provide a function of access restriction between SafeLinx (Nomad Web) and Domino. In Nomad Web when accessing Domino server from external + use Notes client in internal. They want access restriction for some specific Domino servers from externa...
over 3 years ago in Safelinx 1 Already Exists

Initial configuration of the SafeLinx server through an encrypted, secure channel, rather than insecure.

Need to run the initial configuration of the SafeLinx server through an encrypted, secure channel, rather than insecure. Is there a way to enable the secure admin port on the SafeLinx server manually, before the initial setup, and manually copy...
over 3 years ago in Safelinx 1 Assessment

SafeLinx Administrator Client: "Help - About" not showing software version of client

When using a SafeLinx Administrator Client, the software version of the Administrator Client should be available from "Help" - "About". Otherwise, there is a risk that customers may be using old SafeLinx Administrator clients with new SafeLinx ser...
over 3 years ago in Safelinx 1 Already Exists

SafeLinx Administrator language localization

Currently SafeLinx Administrator supports/shows only English as its language. Customer request language localization like Japanese, Chinese, etc.
over 3 years ago in Safelinx 3 No Plans to Implement

IPv6 Support

Safelinx providing IPv6 support for both MNC and HTTPS would be very useful as IPv6 adoption increases.
over 3 years ago in Safelinx 1 No Plans to Implement

Create a mechanism so that a "http-service" can be chosen based on an IP-Range

We would like to create two SafeLinx "http-services" both with the same URL, for example "", and configure SafeLinx in a manner where the HCL SafeLinx Server will choose which "http-service" to use, based on the users IP-Add...
over 3 years ago in Safelinx 3 No Plans to Implement

Integrate HCL SafeLinx and HCL Domino for Authentication with 2FA

Customer would like to use only one Authenticator application for HCL SafeLinx and HCL Domino. So that either way the user only has to use one Authenticator Application which has only one Entry or Pin, which can be used for Domino and SafeLinx?
over 3 years ago in Safelinx 2 Assessment

Trace out by default the IP data that SafeLinx tunnels

No description provided
almost 4 years ago in Safelinx 3 No Plans to Implement