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HCL Domino Ideas Portal

Welcome to the #dominoforever Product Ideas Forum! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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Client Application Access

Showing 44

Thai version of HCL Client Application Access 3.0.1

Currently, In the HCL Client Application Access 3.0.1 (CAA301_Win_G1ML.exe)release only the below Multiple Languages are available. But the Thai Language is not available. So request you to add the Thai Language /version in the upcoming release of...
over 4 years ago in Client Application Access 0 Under Consideration

Search needs to be more accurate and expansive

All Users
over 4 years ago in Client Application Access 2 Needs Clarification

An IP concept incorporating various components of multimedia into one user friendly interface.

The application would serve as a centralized hub for creating content in all facets of multimedia by providing innovative tools with enhanced abilities and allowing multiple mediums to be utilized within the same session. Licensing model would be ...
over 2 years ago in Client Application Access 0 No Plans to Implement

Detail documentation on how to read and understand ICAA install logs.

Need a detail documentation on how to read and understand ICAA install logs. We use ICAA as silent installation hence needed to understand the logs in details to know the cause of the issue. Currently there are no documentation on how to read/unde...
almost 6 years ago in Client Application Access 1 Needs Clarification

Max/Min version restriction shall cover ICAA. ICAA version ID must be independent from Notes version.

ICAA IF3 sends its id as Release 9.0.1FP. ICAA 2.0.1 sends its id as Release 10.0.1. ICAA must have its own id to distiguish client version. Domino version restriction field does not work for ICAA. This function shall work for ICAA too. Du...
about 6 years ago in Client Application Access / Administration 1 Under Consideration

Request HCAA to have an ability to disable popup of 'MUI Pack was found.' when installing FP.

FP of HCAA silently cannot be installed silently, because FP installer stops with 'MUI Pack is detected.' popup when Japanese MUI had been installed on the current HCAA. They have to uninstall HCAA beforehand to meet their requirement of the sile...
about 4 years ago in Client Application Access 0 Needs Review

Do not shutdown HCAA if user close notes document

If user click Notes URL from browser, it will launch HCAA and open a document.However if user close the document, HCAA is also shutdown.The customer expect to remain HCAA if user close a document. It is reported as SPR CSAOAGP534------------- I fo...
about 4 years ago in Client Application Access 0 No Plans to Implement

Create a shortcut link from a tab in HCAA

Currently, there is functionality to create a shortcut link from a tab in an open document by dragging and dropping it to the windows 10 desktop in Notes Standard Client. But in HCAA, we can only create a shortcut of the document from a view not f...
over 4 years ago in Client Application Access 0 Under Consideration

make prefixes of meetings configurable

Currently, language of invitation, accept and reject prefix of meeting is determined by UserInterface/language of Notes client or domino server. Customer also wants to change the language of prefix of meetings. It would be of great help, if...
about 5 years ago in Client Application Access 0 Under Consideration

Calendar and To do on the access and delegation tab should have option for each components.

The Calendar, to do and contacts option should have options for each of the item and not per group.
about 5 years ago in Client Application Access 1 Needs Clarification