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HCL Domino Ideas Portal

Welcome to the #dominoforever Product Ideas Forum! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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Pinned ideas

PINNED Domino Intelligence / Domino IQ
Adding AI to a Domino server Please add comments that tell us what use cases you would have for AI available from Domino. Here are some examples to get you started: Summarise long email threads Reply to email with AI Translate the email thread Hig...

All ideas

Showing 8507

Ability to disable "Use IBM Notes as my default e-mail program" from (Files>Preferences>Mail>Internet)

Since setting a default app is an OS level setting and not through the Domino server we should have a policy setting on the Domino server that disables this feature to end users.
over 2 years ago in Notes 0 Needs Review

Reduce the number of clicks to add a photo

If you want to add a photo in a rich text field, it takes 4 clicks (Nomad on iPhone or iPad) 1. To execute the @Command([FileImport]) or @Command([EditInsertFileAttachment]) 2. To choose the source (take a picture, camera roll, file, ...) 3. ...
over 2 years ago in Nomad / Nomad (iOS) 0 Under Consideration


While using SCCM for client instllation , it trows excetion Error loading USE or USELSX module *javacon
almost 4 years ago in Notes 1 Needs Review

Deactivate BCC for all users

Could be a good idea to have the possibility to deactivate the ability of employees to use BCC in any mails. Some company want to be open and transparent in there communications, and bcc is the opposite. Thanks :-)
over 5 years ago in Notes 0 No Plans to Implement

VOP : Signature error to display size limit as well.

The signature for Verse on-premises has a limit of 32KB. By using an image OR Text greater than 32KB will prompt an error of like this: "your signature is too large. review your signature, reduce the file size of any images, and try again." Requir...
almost 4 years ago in Verse / Verse on Premises 0 Needs Review

Additional short cut in the Notes calendar to check delegated user calendar entries

Customer is using "Notes Application calendar" instead of "Notes user Calendar". Using this when userright click on delegated user calendar it also open the mail database.Customer need a direct shortcut button to access all the delegated user cale...
over 5 years ago in Notes 0 Under Consideration

DDM probe or Event handler to monitor statistics for a specific

Currently, customer have created event handler to monitor the statistics for mail.boxes. However, customer have multiple mail.boxes per server and would like to have the ability to create an event to monitor each, not over-all statis...
over 5 years ago in Domino / Reporting & Analytics 2 No Plans to Implement

Auto update of DB index post deleting the documents

When we add lots of documents in a database, that view index size (not full text index) grows quickly. However, when we delete the documents from database view index size does not reduces. We need to update each view or folder manually by pressing...
over 2 years ago in Domino / Administration 2 Already Exists

expand all

Since there is no Search by UUID feature please consider adding an option to expand all twisters that way the Internet browser search can be used to find by UUID.
over 2 years ago in LEAP 0 Needs Review

Audit trail that can’t be deleted

Please create a high level audit trail that can’t be deleted that tracks when a LEAP application is Imported, Changed and Delete. I am thinking multifactorial. Database record. WAS SystemOut.log Email when any of the three events fire. Email when ...
over 2 years ago in LEAP 0 Needs Review