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Not shipped.. is not true
Not shipped, we need xpages features (partial refresh for ex) to not require dojo
but we want the partial refresh and client libraries in vanilla js then.
You can do that by adding "xsp.client.script.libraries=None", in the xsp Properties
Package Explorer -> WebContent -> WEB-INF -> xsp.properties
I got some bug in dojo conflict with some code in the package explorer. Should be can disable it or select dojo by optional.
To me, core XPages features (partial refresh and so on) should rely on play vanila JS and not require Dojo or JQuery or so.
For advanced features / advanced controls, it's another story...
As already mentioned in IDEAAD-I-16:
I would rather like a way to include / add my favorite CSS- or Javascript-Framework on the server and select this one for an entire application (application settings).
Still there is a way to put all the files in the html-folder on the Domino-Server. But in the course of the work you need to add these files on every single XPage.
And just to complete this: please let us decide whether to use dojo or jQuery (the same way).