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Status Assessment
Workspace Domino Designer
Categories Debugger LotusScript
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 23, 2018
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit IDEAAD-I-29 Improve LotusScript debugger.

Conditional breakpoints for LotusScript Merged

While they are available for Javascript and quite handy I miss them for LotusScript.

It's rather annoying if one wants to debug special cases of an iterative section but has to step through non-interesting cases as well. 

  • Guest
    Aug 7, 2018

    Let me give an example of what I think the author is referring to. Let's say you are using a loop to run a process and and the end of a loop generate a document. There is a runtime error and 100 document is generated so you are guessing that the 101st process encounter some sort of undefined data. Right now, the only way to test this hypothesis is either :

    1. Add a stop command in the loop at 99 and continue manually
    2. Set breakpoint at the end at the loop and press continue for 99 times.

    Having a conditional breakpoint would allow us to do solution no 1 without editing the code.

  • Guest
    Aug 7, 2018

    Thomas, what you are referring to is a condition in your script. The author most likely means within the debugger! Most (other) debuggers have this feature, and it’s very useful!

  • Guest
    Aug 7, 2018

    I know. Which is tedious depending on how many cases you want to catch. I never was a friend of spaghetti code.

  • Admin
    Thomas Hampel
    Aug 7, 2018

    Already now you can use an if / then statement to define your case and set your breakpoint within that section