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Setting parameters (points 3 and 4) inside an agent is an atavism. Changing any parameter necessarily leads to resaving and re-signing the agent, which is inconvenient. Now this needs to be done by a developer, but it would be better if an administrator could do it.
I propose a radically different solution. Move these parameters from the agent to the Programs-documents .
for which use case is this really needed where?
in that application or would this be a more an admin interface to see this information?
It's important to provide the context and business cases to help HCL to find out what makes sense to implement.
Just asking for a technical implementation of something does not help PM to find out what they should priority and how to implement it.
There are ways to get most of this information. But not directly in a Lotus Script class.
#1 is quite easy: NotesAgent.name returns your fuill agent name as "Agent name|agentAlias" with "|" (= pipe symbol) as delimiter
Split the result as in
agentNameArray = Split(ag.Name, "|")
agentAlias = agentNameArray(Ubound(agentNameArray))
The others are more complicated: the agent's design note maintains the usual bunch of "$" fields holding all the desired info but partially in encoded form. It would indeed be very helpful to be able to directly access that info right from the NotesAgent class!