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Domino Designer documentation contains a lot of wildly-out-of-date information about the Mac

There are quite a few places in the Designer documentation that include Mac-specific information that hasn't applied since 2001 at the latest, since it's all about the classic Mac OS. In fact, it seems like almost all mentions of "Macintosh" refer to the old architecture, with only a handful mentioning "OS X".

For example, this page purports to list important platform-specific information for LotusScript developers: . However, much or all of this hasn't been true for 22 years and just outright doesn't work (like using old-timey directory paths like "Macintosh HD:Some Folder") or is untrue (like the line-terminator character).

I think it'd be reasonable to remove documentation like this outright from new doc releases. Better, it'd be good to either include Mac-specific info on the "UNIX" pages, or change Mac-specific pages to include only things that apply on modern macOS.

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    • Admin
      Thomas Hampel
      Nov 9, 2023

      Thanks for reporting, we will get this updated.