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HCL Domino Ideas Portal

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Maven in DDE - download jar files directly into nsf

in visual studio it is sooo easy to add an external dependencies to projects.. Just search for it and include the nuget and you’re done.

In Java not so easy. there are a few option where Maven is the most popular I think.

With maven you need to get an xml file and paste that into a pom file in an eclipse project which then downloads the jar files.

In DDE projects it is even more difficult. we can’t use Maven so we basically need to have another Eclipse installation to our computer and use a dummy project to get the jar files we need which does not feel very modern.

Please add Maven or another way to download jar file from internet into an nsf automatically based on the maven Pom dependencies

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    • Guest
      Apr 26, 2024

      our domino applications contain too many java libraries and downloading them including their dependencies is too much of a hassle.

      also if we could specify in a pom file which version we would like to install that would provide more strict control regarding which version of third party software we run or is allowed to run in an application. Domino was about security right? On the other hand if we could say: download the latest third party software we could check how future proof or up to date our application code is.


      just try to download apache tika and its dependencies manually for a project. too much work and I rather do this inside my application / nsf than on disk.