It would be very helpful to have the ability to let the user pick one ore more data sets out of given tabular data presented based on a view or folder design. The data maybe provided as multi dimensional array, some kind of key/value sets or maybe best as JSON string.
At the moment you have to use a simple prompt list where it is hard to display complex information nicely and properly and the usability is very restricted. Or you have to create temporary documents to let the user pick from those using existing functionality. But the latter is slow and no fun if you have to deal with big data sets frequently.
The easiest way would be to assign each value of a data set to the columns one by one ignoring the column formulas. A more flexible and powerful solution would be possible with JSON array of arrays where you could use the value keys like fields and normal column formulas to calculate the column contents using the values of each set. So you have the chance to use even icon or color colums without the need to preprocess nad manipulate the input data.
This comes in handy for data collected from corresponding multi value fields or across databases and of course for data retrieved some kind of API.
stringArray = notesUIWorkspace .PickListStrings( type% [, multipleSelection ], server$, databaseFileName$, viewName$, title$, prompt$, column%, JSONString )
type = PICKLIST_JSON (4)
@PickList( [JSON] : [SINGLE] ; server : file ; view ; title ; prompt ; column ; JSONString)