Currently, we often need to create 2 fields on a form (with different hide when settings) when using field types Date/Time (with picker control), Checkbox, Radio button, etc. because when the document is being read we simply want to display the field values (and not the controls).
Hide when settings (formulas) can also become complex when different user access roles are involed and controlling who can see/edit individual fields on a form.
It would be great if fields had a set of properties to control how they are displayed depending on whether the user can edit the field value or not.
- When field value is editable (document is being edited and the field "Input Enabled" setting = True) then display the applicable controls (date/time picker, checkboxes, radio buttons, etc.)
- When field value is not editable (document is being read or the field "Input Enabled" setting = False) then display the field value without controls (if multiple value - use multi value separator, e.g. semi-colon or new line)
This would not only save time, work and complexity when designing forms, but it would also mean that we can properly separate code that determines "Whether a field is displayed" and "Whether a field can be edited"