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Hi Thomas,
if you (/HCL) mean here with 'already exists' what was mentioned as an
answer in the idea is the thing that already exists and is usable for the
same type of problem: I tried this, and it falls so short, that it was not
even worth remembering it's shortcut.
Not everyones suggestion will be convertet into code, I know. But if I got
everything right this is definitely not a case of 'Already exists'
To illustrate
a) Start with a few lines of code including a comment and see this as a
relevant block of code (And keap in mind that this could be a fraction of
a method, lets say 2 pages of existing code that hopefully comes with
comments at several places).
b) Turn this into inactive (comments) and add two more lines of active
code somewhere in the mid (So this could now be 3 pages of code, maybe
half a page of it active code (1) spread in several snipsets over the old
code(3) with new comments(2) and the orginal comments(4) still in there.
(1) would be active
(2) would start with '
(3) would start with ''
(4) would start with '''
=> Still fairly easily visible what is the current change and what was
active one step before.
c) Now go into another round of b)
d) Now test the code and decide that in a part of the whole place you
want to stick with version c), for the rest with a) or b).
.... What I tried to suggest (and is availble in other Development
environments) is efficient for this. Think of this as 'real quick' tests
the coding guy does...
What I suggested would have efficient for this (As I found out doing some
C sharp code in an other editor).
Thanks for hint of Shift-Crtl-7, but this is tough to find and not the same (instead of adding another layor of ' , it toggels (and my comments become code causing compile errors).
Available today in the Eclipse based LotusScript editor: Select lines of code, then press <Shift>+<Ctrl>+7 (on German keyboard, not sure about other keyboard layouts).