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Computed subform: Allow loading multiple subforms at once

For example:

@If(condition; "subform1" : "subform2"; "subform1")

I.e., if condition is true, load both subforms, otherwise load only the first.

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    • Guest
      Aug 24, 2019

      You can do this by putting the condition on a separate field. Create a computed field that will evaluate to "1" under your specified conditions. From there you have a two options for displaying the subforms.

      1. Put all the subforms on the form and compute the hide-whens based on the condition field.

      2. Put in as many computed subforms as you will need in the form. Then in the computed subforms specify which form to display based on whether the computed field is "1". Of course, computed subforms are only displayed when the form is loaded. If you need to reload the form dynamically without closing then reopening you can sort of get around it by basically closing then reopening the form with some code in an action. It's not clean by any means. I would support a separate idea for reloading computed subforms dynamically.

    • Guest
      Aug 12, 2019

      There's always a first time ;-)

      Ironically, it also took me 24 years of developing complex and less complex Notes apps until I ran into the first situation where I wished I had that option: In a specific application I had the necessity to load a selection of 10 subforms. Which and how many of them had to be loaded depended on conditions known at run-time only.

      I solved it by adding 10 computed subforms to the form. It would have been much more efficient to put all the logic of determining the right subforms into one computed subform entry and a formula that returns the names of all required subforms in a text list.

    • Guest
      Aug 10, 2019

      In the 20+ years designing (complex) Notes apps, I’ve never had the need for this feature.

    • Guest
      Aug 9, 2019

      @Tinus Riyanto - You are right, one can do the same with multiple computed subforms. The main reason why I'm asking for an extension are situations when one cannot at desgn time anticipate which and how many subforms need to be loaded, because it may vary depending on dynamic conditions. Providing a dynamic method of loading subforms would be very handy in those circumstances.

    • Guest
      Aug 9, 2019

      AFAIK you can put in multiple computed subform in a form.  So in theory you can use two computed subform (for subform 1 and 2).

      Referring to your example I would only need to have 1 computed subform for subform 2 since the above formula specified that subform 2 is always loaded.


      Tinus Riyanto - Prisma Global Solusi