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Status Under Consideration
Workspace Domino Designer
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Created by Guest
Created on Aug 13, 2019

Make application faster, indexing is very slow.

Make indexing and searching to application 1000x faster, now is very slow. We need more like Oracle or DB2 style of using the background data. We have 350 million DB2 database with 2 second search time and lotus database with 3 million documents with 10-20 seconds search time. Rethink view display and index, views are very slow with many documents. If server is indexing a view the user clients are stuck. 

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    • Guest
      Dec 24, 2019

      Many customer complain about performance slow for a long time when update more than 100000 documents. Please fix!!!.

    • Guest
      Dec 11, 2019

      I told indexing not reindexing from zero. . I know that you know the difference.

      What you can do if you have 3 mil docs and the user need to access, have only 1 column, or don't have sortng at all ? I know that views with zero document are faster but is not the case, to have more views is worse. I will try DQL but the main problem is not resolved, We need more performance in Lotus Notes and is not a hardware problem but software, Hardware is only 15% used but users are stuck from low performance of databases.

      Why DB2 or Oracle are much faster compared to lotus ?

    • Guest
      Aug 16, 2019

      First of all, HCL has admitted that FTSearch is slow and that's why they develop DQL. Are you able to try searching using DQL ?

      Secondly, re-indexing view with 3 million document will take time especially if you have multiple sorted column on that view. HCL can speed up the indexer but you also need to design your view accordingly.  Are you sure there is no other alternative than displaying that view (with 3 million document) to user ?

      I agree that indexing and searching need to be faster but there are things developer can do to improve the user experience too.

      Tinus Riyanto - Prisma Global Solusi