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NotesHttpRequest support for self signed certificates

When using the NotesHtppRequest to call a web service running with self signed certificates the client aborts with an SSL Certificate error.


When adding the parameter DEBUG_NotesHttpRequest=1 the log file shows the message:

"SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain"

after which the connection is closed.


Since adding the companies internal CA-Root to the cacerts.pem on every client and server is not a manageable option. It would be helpful to have an option that disables the certificate checking

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    • Guest
      May 30, 2023

      I am facing the same problem at the moment. Wanting to use REST Services to access a server with a self signed certificate. It is not accessible from the internet, so my only option is to use a self signed certificate. Please either let the java and NotesHTTPRequest use the internet certificates from the Domino Directory.

    • Guest
      Nov 2, 2022

      We have been using the /local/notesdata/cacert.pem (!OpenDocument). It's manual; it works, but it's not good. Every Domino patch overwrites it, and every Domino app server has to be updated. My preferred options are to add to the new Certificate Store app, and alternately (not or) have the option for request.IgnoreSSLIssue = true. Just like we can do for the timeoutsec and the maximum redirects.

    • Guest
      Aug 16, 2022

      BTW: Why don't NotesHTTPRequest and Java just use the internet certificates from Domino directory? That would be the Domino way of doing things!

    • Guest
      Aug 16, 2022

      Turning off security features seams a very bad idea to me. I'd suggest a feature to store (additional) trusted certificates for NotesHTTPRequest right inside the NSF. That would solve the certificate deployment problem while keeping security features on.

    • Guest
      Jun 25, 2021

      Is there any news about this idea? It would be very helpful!