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Status Needs Review
Workspace Domino Designer
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Created by Guest
Created on May 29, 2021

Folders that can be sorted manually by drag and drop

Sometimes we want to use a folder that contains only the documents we want to stand out from the documents in the nsf as a list that is independent of the other documents. In mail, this is the inbox folder. inboxes are usually expected to be displayed in the order in which they were received. However, in a small list with a few documents, you may want to change the display order based on attributes that the documents do not have.

For example, let's say you have a "Today's Tasks" document that you want to share with your team. You want to show the most important tasks at the top, but you need to be able to change the ranking flexibly. You want to show unread marks for new tasks, but you want existing read tasks to remain read even if the ranking changes. In other words, we don't want to change the last modified date and time of the document even if we change the display order.

There is a sorting option for the columns of the folder. You can either enable sorting or not. For example, you can add the option "Enable manual sorting" in the view properties and disable the sorting option for the columns if it is enabled. Folders with manual sorting enabled will be sorted by NoteID by default, but dragging and dropping documents will update the internal list and swap the order of the documents on the list as well.

With the introduction of Nomad, drag-and-drop operations have become much easier to perform with your fingertips. I think there will be an increase in the number of situations where smartphone applications handle small lists, such as "shopping list".

The behavior of the folder I am imagining matches the sample in the following link.

  • Attach files