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Status Already Exists
Workspace Domino Designer
Categories @Formulas
Created by Guest
Created on Apr 8, 2022

Ability to hide a row in a tabbed table

When designing, it would be nice to hide a row in a tabbed table so you can control when that tab is seen.

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Mar 4, 2024

    It does not exist. We should not have to create a programable table. The row should be able to hide when a formula is true. IE: in a contact record we should be able to hide when a contact is a customer or a vendor.

  • Guest
    Apr 16, 2022

    In case a ‘tab’ row content is complex, it’s indeed a mess working with many hide-when’s. I often use a calculated subform in that case. And simply calculate if the subform is visible or not. E.g. @if(Status=”New”;”Mysubform”;””)


  • Guest
    Apr 14, 2022

    Other issue: If the tabbed table menu is set "Show on the left" or right (not above the table). The tab itself isn't hidden - it does not show the caption but the empty line is still there. This is confusing for users, you can even click the empty line which cause another (the last) tab to open.

  • Guest
    Apr 13, 2022

    Correct, it does not exist. It should be an option in the properties of the table. Hide row when or hide column when.

  • Guest
    Apr 13, 2022

    As proposed by Theo, you can achieve what you are looking for by hiding all paragraphs contained in the relevant row of the tabbed table. However, although I've successfully used that approach, it becomes pretty cumbersome when the row contains multiple paragraphs with different hide-when formulas, which then have to be modified one by one. That's why I don't agree with the status of "Already exists", and I'm voting yes.

  • Guest
    Apr 11, 2022

    How do you do that in a tabbed table? There is no hide when formula for rows.

  • Guest
    Apr 8, 2022

    You can do that now: just make sure all lines in that row are hidden.

    The tab will disappear.
