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Thomas, thanks for the explanation, I understand and quite agree, too.
I probably should ask for ID Vault enhancements then. It does not like at all combining one or more from :
1st setup of client
forgotten pwd
expired pwd
expired ID file
renamed user
domino pass-thru
Common L1/L2 admins just aren't able to check, get through these. They are quite common problems for "nomad users" (=always on the road , or contractors by customers).
Currently testing Nomad, I realize that only my most determined users will get it. It will not go viral like Sametime or Verse for now.
Nomad, and iNotes, Verse and Traveler (Companion) need the key material stored in the ID file. Authenticating via internet password is not going to provide access to the ID file to perform secure operations (encrypt/decrypt). Instead of weakening security, our approach is to strengthen security by removing the need for having an internet password and authenticate all users directly against the IDVault - this option already exists in v11.0.1.
So yes, yes you will get what you wanted to have, but in a different way: your users will not need to remember multiple passwords anymore.