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In Response to the previous comment (by the creater of the wish):
we allready have a wide versions of resolutions and diameters within the ipad family. Especially when comparing all purchasable options of the last years of diameters and resolutions common on a PC - Adding the Phone to this filed for things to look at will not be a game changer in general (especially when keaping in mind, that we don't know a lot about the tech specs of the next Versions of iPads.
Of course in a special Installation, one can limit himself to only one specific Version of the IPad - if the customer is in the lucky situation of having only one type device, and exchanging them all at once on the very date only once every few years. - As an ISV, I do live most of the time in a different world.
"for quick tests when developing" can be somthing like clicking on the one button rasing an error in rare cases untill the problem is found and fixed in Designer. The Layout needs not to get a price for beauty during this tests (but personally I would love to see full usability even on my 4 inch iPhone SE, too)..
(Isn't the leagal requirement that Software /PCs needs to be scalable a) international and b) of course relevant for a Pad when in commercal use, too?)
Part of my -personal- Motivation for the wish was, that even given that I am an Android fan, I see more sense in getthing this product to Perfection on all Apple Devices, than in bringing it to Perfection to all Pads of any Operation systems (which is probably the harder job even when ignoring the phone.). If both will be done, fine. Some people will see this different, This Place is not a good discussion database (and if there is a chance to agree is again da different questin.) My wish still stand, IBM stands for variity and all Options, but thanks for your Input and for posting your point of view.
Imho "for quick tests when developing" it is essential, that you run your tests on an iPad (preferably the same model, that you're developing for). Keep in mind that there is no pinch to zoom in DMA (this is not a web app), so in most cases, touching the right spot on the screen would be challenging on an iPhone...unless you create the UI specifically for your phone.
Do they not use the same OS? will it not just run?