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Status No Plans to Implement
Workspace Nomad
Categories Nomad (iOS)
Created by Guest
Created on May 30, 2021

Nomad: Disable a choice of Password login in Nomad setup when server-side password is enabled

In Nomad setup, "Notes ID Password" dialog is shown and it has the following choices.

- Password column

- OK

- Enable Touch ID

- Cancel

Nomad doesn't support server-side password, so when it is enabled in Domino, a choice of "OK" in "Notes ID Password" should be removed

to disable password login and should be Biometric Authentication only.


Customer found that a user could setup Nomad with password login in the environment of enabling server-side password and ID Vault.

However, if a user changed his password with Notes client before Nomad setup, password login in Nomad setup fails with the message, "Please enable Touch ID to continue using HCL Nomad".

To avoid like this inconsistent behavior in Nomad setup, using Biometric Authentication should be forced in Nomad setup when server-side password is enabled in Domino.

  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Analyn Policarpio
    Aug 15, 2023

    This is working as designed. During Nomad setup, the Notes ID password is required to enable it for biometric authentication. This will use biometrics to protect the Notes ID instead of a password.

    Biometric authentication can be enabled during initial setup or during subsequent launches of the application.

    The Notes ID prompt now includes one of the following option:

    • Enable Face ID

    • Enable Touch ID

    When you are prompted for your Notes ID password, input your Notes ID password and tap Enable Face ID or Enable Touch ID.

    Refer to Enabling Biometric Authentication.

    With regards to the use case of having the server-side password checking enabled, and changing the Notes password prior to setting up Nomad, you might want to check if there is delay in the AdminP request to update the user's Password Digest field in the Person document in the directory. Marking this as no plans to implement.

  • Guest
    Mar 29, 2022

    For device clients with or without biometric authentication, it is recommended that password input and touch ID coexist