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Status Under Consideration
Workspace Domino
Categories Administration
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 27, 2020

Add better router support for SMTP status 452 "Too many recipients"

Having issues with that mail routing stops if the receiving mail gateway has a limit on how many recipients it will accept in the same mail session. Typically the receiving mail gateway will respond with SMTP status 452 "Too many recipients".
The Domino router isn't able to handle that situation and subsequently no mails are routed, because the Domino router would stop routing each time it gets the 452 response from the receiving gateway. The effect is that no mails (of the mail containing the "large" number of recipients) are routed at all. Domino stops routing that mail keeps it in the Tries again at the next retry time. Same result, again the  router receives the 452 and routing of that mail stops. This continues for 24 hours until the mail expires and is sent back to the sender.
It isn't uncommon today that different "anti-spam" solutions and even ISP's sets limits for how many mails they will accept in the same routing session. Why can't the Domino router handle that and send the mail in "packages" to honor this 452 limit?... I've seen limits as low as a 100 being enforced by the receiving gateway.
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  • Guest
    Jan 30, 2020

    @Daniel Nashed,


    I've had a HCL support case concerning this issue. They weren't able to come up with anything better than, largely put, to make a request for enhancement in this forum. So I did.


    I have a current issue with Domino servers not being able to handle the mimecast limitation of a 100 recipients. The mimecast mail gateway responds with status 452 "Too many recipients".


    There are more than 100 e-mail-addresses in the RCPT TO field of the mail in the Each time Domino tries to route the mail it gets the 452 "Too many recipients" status from mimecast. And then the routing stops. It is only a mail with RCPT TO field of more than a  100 e-mail addresses that gets stuck. All other mails that obey the limit are routed.


    It would be great if Domino router was able to respond "intelligently" to a 452 type of limit at the next hop. As I stated above this isn't uncommon for mail gateways to enforce such rules.


    The way I see that particular issue from the debugging/logging. Domino tries to transfer the whole mail to the mimecast gateway. The mimecast gateway checks each e-mail address for validity. And when it gets to recipient number 101 it responds with the 452 "Too many recipients".


    Suggestions on how to address the issue:


    a.) Be able to configure a limit that the Domino router will use to "split" a mail like described above into smaller "routing chunks" to obey the limitation imposed from another mail gateway.  So I guess a solution aligning with your suggestion a.).


    Hope the above shed some more light on the actual issue.


    I don't have experience with other mail servers or if that is a widely known issue also outside the Domino world (yes, I know. I should get out more ;-)), so I cant comment on that.


    /Lars Grundahl


  • Guest
    Jan 27, 2020

    Is this about recipients per mail or mails per connection?
    It sounds like you are hitting the limit of the number of messages, not the number of recipients.


    If the number of recipients is too high, the error is a permanent error, which should be a 5xx error.

    If a temporary error occurs (4xx) the server will try to deliver the same message again.

    So if the message is on the top of the queue and the server receives a temporary error, it will try again.  And that would be an issue on the other side.


    If this is a limit of number messages, the server should have been able to submit the other messages and will try again to send more the next time it connects.


    What exactly should be the solution depending on what you mean exactly?

    a.) Specify maximum number of recipients per message that that are used for each submission / mail?

    b.) Specify maximum number of mails per connections?


    c.) Both


    Do you have a reference what other servers allow to configure for a.) and b.) and how that helps?


    For b.) I don't see a huge issue.  And I am not aware of documented limits. Or a indication from the remote site how many mails are accepted.


    For a.) I could see that it would be helpful in some cases to define how many recipients are added per submission.


    It would be good to understand all the details and understand what other SMTP servers allow to configure.. Do you have any details? I am curious to understand more about the background...


    [ Daniel Nashed ]