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Meanwhile I have implemented a solution which is free of charge.
The Grafana part should stay open source.
But the Prometheus export part should really be part of Domino with some flexible configuration options.
The code provided is simple an is open source.
Having it available out of the box just with some ini variables to enable and customize it, would be another small gap to close for making Domino cloud native.
[ Daniel Nashed / https//blog.nashcom.de ]
I am also voting for this feature.
In the meantime I am using a local workaround by transforming the Domino STATPUB files in a format that can be scraped by Prometheus by using a simple Node-Red flow. I documented it here:
Daniele Vistalli and myself have been looking for a way to allow another server to pull instead of push statistics.
The code is already there as Daniele found out.
Our shared idea was to put the file into the domino/html directory and serve it from there.
We found the following documentation. But it turns out the file is always appended and not overwritten.
You can specify a data like in this example. So that a local application. could take an remove it.
But if you set a static file, this will grow forever. The file seems to be created without the overwrite option if already exists.
Having a switch to turn that off, would help us to use it with cool need monitoring applications like Prometheus !
Panopta is using the option to create a file per interval and will probably remove it on it's own.
We don't want a local logic.
Pushing or pulling the data is a great way!
Of course we have to take care about authentication. But we can protect HTML files...
This would be a small cool change for a FP :-)
And maybe having it directly served from the HTTP task in the next release?
I could build a DSAPI to serve and remove it. But having it out of the box working to be used for Prometheus and other tools out of the box would be awesome!
Daniel Nashed
STATPUB_HEADERS=Content-type: application/json
STATPUB_DATA_HEAD={"agent_payload_version": 1.0, "plugin_textkey": "com.pnp-hcl.dominostats", "plugin_category_name": "Domino Statistics", "metrics": [$Newline$
STATPUB_METRIC_FORMAT={"textkey": "$Name$", "label": "$Name$", "value": $Value$, "unit": "(units)", "timestamp": "$Timestamp$"}
STATPUB_DELTA_METRIC_FORMAT={"textkey": "Rate.$Name$", "label": "$Name$ Rate", "value": $Value$, "unit": "(units per minute)", "timestamp": "$Timestamp$"}