When we build each new Mail server we have NSF NIF separation enabled by using these Domino server ini settings:
These are a part of the build automation for a new mail server and these are necessary for how we have planned the storage managment in our Mail server deployment architecture. We want to be sure these settings are in place at the very start with each mail server to ensure that NIF separation is active from the when the initial bulk replication of mail files from SCN is started on any new server. However, the new server delivered with automation has not had Domino started yet, and with these ini settings in place the first time a server is started it will create new copies of local DBs such as log.nsf and daoscat.nsf using templates on the server. When these new DBs are created automatically by Domino they will have NIF separation active. But we do not want NIF separation active on 'Domino infra and config DBs'. It can introduce complications or problems which we want to avoid from an operations perspective. And there is not any significant benefit from using NIF separation on most of the Domino infra and config DBs.
Rather than have to disable NIFNSF, we are really looking for a way to exclude specific databases from NIFNSF ON CREATION.
I agree. The option
should ignore system databases (including CredStore and IDVault) by default.
There is no benefit having NIFNSF enabled on system databases.
Why exposing system databases to higher complexity, and thus higher operational risk?
[ Toni Feric, Belsoft Collaboration ]