Quota Information for a local replica of a mail file is unavailable when the primary server is down.
Steps to reproduce:
1. On a cluster server, ServerA is the user Home/Mail server. ServerB is the DR/cluster server with user mail replica database. Database has a mail file quota set.
2. User creates a local mail file replica of his/her mail using Notes Client.
3. Shutdown the ServerA to simulate DR drill. User can still replicate email to its DR/Cluster server(ServerB).
4. When user clicks "Quota Information" button or Tools > Quota Information.. Getting the below error.
"The server that contains your quota information is not avaibale. Please try again when you are online and your mail server is avaibale."
Tried changing the Location Document > Servers > Home/mail server field with ServerB. The Notes Client still connecting to the primary server(ServerA).
This has been reported in SPR # JJMSBJ2BL5 -- Quota Information for local database is not available to cluster servers.
Status of SPR is set to an enhancement request for future release.
Currently this is how this feature works. It only gets the disk information from the server where you created the replica of the database.
As of now, we do not have a workaround for this. Currently this is working as designed.
Quota settings are now replicating, for details see this https://help.hcltechsw.com/domino/12.0.0/admin/wn_database_quota_settings_replicate.html