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Ref. The Lotus Script against the Start Search Button
It uses the documentCollection dc retuned by the ftsearch mothod to create a nl NotesNewsletter object.
Before the nl.FormatMsgWithDocLinks(db) statement is executed, if the following code is inserted
nl.Dosubject = True
nl.Subjectitemname = "Subject"
This has no effect to the NotesNewsletter result produced by the Set nldoc = nl.FormatMsgWithDocLinks(db) executed statement.
Before the statement Set nldoc = nl.FormatMsgWithDocLinks(db) , set the IsMultiDbSearch to false db.IsMultiDbSearch = False and then execute FormatMsgWithDocLinks and then immediately reset IsMultiDbSearch to true.
The above approach creates the desired newletter object with the subject value of the subject field in the document rather then the DB Title, but the doclink provided has invalid replica id.
To solve the above replica id, loop thru all the doclink provided in the Richtext field and the document collection and set the correct value to the replica id.
Set rtitem = New NotesRichTextItem( nldoc, "Body" )
Set rtnav = rtitem.CreateNavigator
If Not rtnav.FindFirstElement(RTELEM_TYPE_DOCLINK) Then
Messagebox "No doclinks in Body item",, "No doclinks"
Exit Sub
Set docSrchResult = dc.GetFirstDocument
End If
If docSrchResult Is Nothing Then
Exit Do
End If
Set rtlink = rtnav.GetElement
rtlink.DBReplicaID = docSrchResult.ParentDatabase.ReplicaID
Set docSrchResult = dc.GetNextDocument(docSrchResult)
Loop While rtnav.FindNextElement
Doing so provides the result, so I believe HCL can provide a similar solution