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AUT integrates with MarvelClient Upgrade

It would be great if AUT integrated with MarvelClient Upgrade, so the tools work together instead of possibly conflicting with each other. Both HCL and panagenda, and most importantly the users would greatly benefit if Upgrades are easier to manage and perform.

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    • Guest
      May 1, 2024

      Actually AUT and MavelClient Upgrade are performing the same type of operations.

      You either use one or the other and not both.

      AUT just got a new friend in Domino 14.0 FP1: Domino Autoupdate now pushes Notes client webkits directly into autocat.nsf and makes it easier to deploy Notes clients.

      I would like to see Panagenda getting their web-kits from autoupdate.nsf for easier deployments.

      If you are using MavelClient Update in your environment, I don't see why you would use AUT at the same time.
      Could you explain why both should work together. I would see them mutual exlusive.