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Status Needs Clarification
Workspace Domino
Categories Administration
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 9, 2025

AdminP request for deleting database should verify the Person document before deleting

Currently when any mail file of the user is deleted via AdminP process (after the user is deleted from Domino directory), it requires an Administrator Approval and AdminP process also finds the replicas of this database on other servers for deletions. Then all those replicas are also deleted after an Administrator approval. Now supose if an existing database is assined to a new user (normally when one user lefts the organization and another user takes his/her place) then the Replica ID of that database is same as that of old user. This database is pointed in Person document of new user. Now when AdminP process tries to find all replicas from other servers then this database (which is assigned to new user) will also come in the list and will be deleted after an Administrator approval. So the mail file of the new user gets deleted now.

So there is a feature request that, before deleting the database from replica ID, AdminP process should validate if that database is assigned to any of the current Person document which is not deleted from Domino directory. This will prevent an accidental deletion of database.

This Enhancement Request is submitted for Domino V12 and V14 versions.

  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Thomas Hampel
    Jan 21, 2025
    Why are you deleting the person document in the first place? if you want to keep the mail file, update the person document and remove the mail file, or just rename the person instead of deleting and creating a new ID
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