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This came in thru a fix and nobody really did know about it.
I R5 this was introduced for HTTP only. And they didn't want to change it.
At some point someone did a fix for an issue and moved the check to a different part of the code and that made it available for all internet protocols!
This was never fully documented as a feature. But it has been in Domino for a while.
You have to be careful! If you have for example an external server like Sametime (earlier times we had this with Qickr) who needed an LDAP user. Having someone create multiple wrong password requests, your other service will suffer from that. It's a type of DoS attack!
I would wish we could be more flexible in the way this is handled. But it is difficult!
There are other ways to protect. There are approaches like fail2ban which block IP addresses with more than a certain number of wrong password requests.
I wrote a free fail2ban rule-set for Domino on Linux which ships with my start script.
See my blog post for details
And I have also written more complex solution for remote NGINX support with X-FORWARD-FOR support. That's something which needs specific implementation per customer environment and doesn't make sense for a standard product.
But what would make sense is a blocking by number of wrong logins by IP.
[ Daniel Nashed / http://blog.nashcom.de ]
Already exists : https://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21677487