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@Thomas Hampel
Yes, the need happens very often. The document in the field contains lists of groups. One can expand groups in a loop, but this is a very costly operation, because groups can contain groups also. It would be much better to compare the lists of groups.
Many developers really need a separate function @UserGroupsList([userName]).
And add a parameter userName to @UserNameList function - @UserNameList([userName]).
The [userName] parameter is optional in both functions.
Moving this idea to product : Domino Designer
For further discussion with development, can you please explain a little more on how or where this function would provide a benefit? What is your application going to do with the list of groups a user belongs to? Are you planning to compare it against a (hardcoded) list of group names?
This makes sense for Notes client coding, but if XPages, it can already be done using a bean.