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HCL Domino Ideas Portal

Welcome to the #dominoforever Product Ideas Forum! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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Apps in the new age - make younger people love domino apps!

So in short:
- beautiful AppStore as an app everybody sees with user feedback and recommendation, install
- app settings page with server to ask, offline settings, delete, index
- complete design attack on Notes old styles (icons, fonts, forms, gestures, rich text editing, swipe pages of Workspace, ...)
- activity stream from server / document events, rendered nicely with deep links, like in social media, maybe even shared with mail inbox
- actionable elements in the activity stream help in mail-free workflows to get work done
- nomad push notifications from Apps (@pushSend()) can help to get the users attention to app events 

Make apps great again. Make it like it was invented in 2018, not in 1990s...

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    • Guest
      Jan 20, 2024

      Appstore may be shipped but recommendations and user feedback is not yet done. The app Store I was thinking of is an app on my Notes/Nomad screen that allows me to directly buy and install apps from the store. An enterprise app store holds all the internal apps while external apps can also be allowed to download from the store for employees.

      1 reply
    • Guest
      Jan 20, 2024


    • Admin
      Thomas Hampel
      Jan 19, 2024

      The idea got declared as shipped due to the AppStore now being available here
      Seems there are more ideas in this one that need to be unpacked. Can we please handle them as individual ideas?

    • Guest
      Jun 10, 2019

      Domino app -> events app (knows user preferences for notification from user notifications settings xPage) -> notification service (mail, activity feed, push notifications,...)

    • Guest
      May 20, 2019

      Domino's strength is workflow apps for business processes. We used the @MailSend() paradigm for a long time - but is this what younger people would like to see? I guess they would like to see push notifications to their mobile notes app, like "Asset 1234 requires your attention" - which directly guides them to the right notes document with applicable action buttons, depending on their roles. Let's ban the @MailSend() way of attention catching for the last try - only if nothing else has worked before. I'm sure, the younger (and some of us older ones, too) will love that!

    • Guest
      Jan 22, 2019

       Let's get away from file - applications menu completely.

    • Guest
      Jan 22, 2019

      From WWS:

      Bernd Gewehr:

      My wishes for domino app dev and client app presentation in short:

      - AppStore icon with feedback and recommendations, install apps, create from template
      - apps properties page with server to ask, offline settings, delete, index, acl
      - complete design attack on Notes old styles (icons, fonts, gestures, tables, rich text editing, ...)
      - activity stream from server / collected from app/document events, rendered nicely with deep links, like in social media
      - actionable elements in the activity stream help to get shit done without switching away from the stream
      - push notifications to mobile and desktop can help to get the users attention
      Make apps great again. Let’s create event based flows in our apps. Let users enjoy a single stream of all events from all apps. Maybe a mixed stream with mail events later. Like that.
      Barry Rosen:
      Good feedback, for the App Store who are the consumers of the apps? End users? Admins?
      Bernd Gewehr: 
      In the appStore (which is a notes database, like catalog, fixed to every 1st workspace tab of all users by policy) management of available apps and templates should be done by the admins. All apps that are visible to users or groups can be used by themselves on demand. To have the templates also there at hand, like "create from template" and then get guided through a setup of a new app to use that app instance later (and - if appropriate - to publish to the appstore with admin approval) would be nice, too.
    • Admin
      Thomas Hampel
      Oct 27, 2018

      Moving idea to product : Domino Designer