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As Microsoft have taken away our ability to support EWS we will not be able to fulfill this request.
As for being able to support the Notes and Outlook accounts in one profile, that's not possible in Microsoft profiles. Sorry.
Marking as "no plans to implement"
We are running 10.0.1 FP3 and planning to migrate to 11 in the next few months.
I think native EWS support would be fine, but need to understand what functionality we would get and any limitations. Also, Microsoft have announced that for Office 365 EWS will be deprecated in favour of Microsoft Graph (https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/exchange-team-blog/upcoming-changes-to-exchange-web-services-ews-api-for-office-365/ba-p/608055). Currently we are connecting to an on-premise Exchange system, but they are migrating to Office 365.
The other current limitations haven't been an issue for us, it's really just this unexpected behaviour on resolving the email addresses that is problematic.
What version of Domino are you running on? (some issues are fixed in V10 and above
Would it be sufficient to provide native EWS support in Domino?
//Updated as you are already on using IMSMO for clients using Outlook