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@Thomas Hampel
Aligning ReplicaID on all servers and clients is a fairly non-trivial task. We are sometimes forced to manually recreate the log on the server due to its damage - the ReplicaID will already be different.
nice work around, but each Error we should have separate document.
instead of
dd.mm.yyyy HH:mm Unable to open Alpha/ACME ddm.nsf "You have no rights"
dd.mm.yyyy HH:mm Can not Find autosave.ntf in SharedData
dd.mm.yyyy HH:mm Can not find path to server Bravo/ACME
I wish to have 3 documents.
for example first document may look like
Server= Alpha/ACME
database= ddm.nsf
Category "Access"
Message "You have no rights"
User = "John Doe/Subcontrator"
Time/Date = dd.mm.yyyy HH:mm
What if the log.nsf on your Notes client would have the same replica ID as a log file on the server, but the user just having depositor rights. All logs of the client would then replicate to the server.