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there is another OpenNTF App called FileZilo:
Domino HTTP Server is needed. You can even allow externals the right to upload files (anonymous). It can not be compared with OneDrive because the focus is more on adhoc sharing. There is a agent that can delete entries after x days.
best regards yours Ulf
OpenNTF's fileSendr is great for the use case provided on their site (send a file, remove it from existence to keep one from hitting their mail quota), but not for a project archive. Urban planning efforts can last for years, and all players involved need access to those files throughout the application approval process, plus adding and sharing files on both directions (client team <-> client <-> vendor).
I have a new Domino customer that wants this capability as "not every one of [their] customers has DropBox." Their local municiaplity has a web site that allows the public to share files through the county's website. So, our workflow app design has this as customer requirement.
For now, we have to build our own or see how best to incorporate this into our design with the OpenNTF option (to be tested). The preference would be to have a Domino repository with links that can be shared both internally and externally via email so clients, vendors, and colleagues can access large files both securely and efficiently.
Also, having this data accessible to other Domino apps is key.
Could you review this idea, please ? It is from 2020...
I see fileSendr serve purpose of sending/receive files, though 2.5 years of using Notes and I didn't know this app existed.
The larger picture I see here is an out of the box feature with storage options, one place, easy to use, personalized storage solution where user can see all his files shared by him or to him and app link given along with existing link of Mail, Calendar in Notes/Verse as Personalized storage/Shared drive as it is the everyday essential.
I guess you are talking about this application ? https://www.openntf.org/main.nsf/project.xsp?r=project/fileSendr