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Status Under Consideration
Workspace Notes
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 27, 2020

More speed in homeoffice by expanding the Notes cache by using a disk instance to buffer more design elements

Due to the pandemie lots of people are working at home. And they all can see the effects of the grown latency - everything is running slower than before.

As the current cache in the Notes Client is, as far as I know, only in the RAM it is limited and probably delete entries from a database that was used but has been clsoed by the user.

I suggest to expand the cache with a second layer, which should be on the disk and should store i.e. design elements of closed databases . That would allow to keep much more design elements from different already used databases on the disk. That means that those design elements do not need to be loaded from the server again and again (server workload) and will open design elements nearly instantaniously as modern SSDs in a local PC are really fast.

Of course a background job is needed that has to synchronise those databases & elements that have changed meanwhile. But it can run in the background an it only has to compare the signatures of the design elements and only if changed it loads the new version of the design element (form, view, library, agent, ...) DBs and their design elements whic h have not been used for x days could be dropped from the cache. This also will reduce also a little bit the server workload

That would result in a faster running client as only data will be requested from the server and only the cache software would have to be changed.

Joe Herrmann

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Jul 15, 2022

    I also found another pro-argument. Our companies virus scanner runs always again and again over new files or any changes.

    If the design elements are mostly stored on the local computer, they will not get scanned again and again and they will be faster available when needed.

  • Guest
    Sep 2, 2021

    Local replicas indeed help a lot, but if the db was written to be used on a server and is also using other dbs then local replicas have no chance at all. I know several companies where DBs were written with the intention never to be used as a replica or even offline.

  • Guest
    Oct 30, 2020

    Thanks for the hint. I first compacted the exisitng cache and have expanded it from 30 MB to 256 MB max size. The workspace reported 2MB used. Then I have opened 20 DBs on the server, one after the other and closed them again.

    Result: The cache size reported in the workspace is still 2 MB. Several of these database contained image Ressources some of them as big as 1 MB.

    I think that means that everything of a db is cached as long as the db is open. But when the db gets closed, the cachce is also wiped out. This logic makes sense as this behaviour was defined in a time where hardware was slower and more expensive.

    So if it is possible to adapt the rules of this cache to the new conditions nowadays, that would be great and would give home office users faster running DBs. Or as said, create another cache layer and save and load its DB specific content from/in the current cache.

  • Guest
    Oct 30, 2020

    True, the current cache is on the disk, but it's small and forgets the content of databases that have been closed quite fast. The idea is to keep all these design elements local on disk and use the data documents on the server.

  • Guest
    Oct 27, 2020

    The cache is on disk, or are you referring to something else?

    I'm all for more performance when working remotely but have you tried using local replicas?