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Speaking in general terms, you have to know what I am talking about. I also didn't want to limit the question to the items I can name. I am very impressed with HCL's technical capabilities and would bet that you can create something better that what I am imagining.
When it comes to Word, we have multiple applications in our company that can be categorized as 'procedure manuals'. Our HR department writes policies & procedures for our company. Our quality department writes procedures for our processes. (We are a manufacturer.) I have written procedures for administrating our information systems, etc.
The documents in those procedure manuals are generally very generic. They are forced to be, in my mind, because of the word processing limitations within Notes. In the simplest case a document might contain a plain-text Title, a rich text Body field, and Editor List and a Reader List.
Because of the limitations of Notes what I see people doing is creating the procedure in Word, converting the Word document to a .pdf, and attaching the .pdf to the procedure form in Notes. I would rather they would simply write the procedure in Notes.
So, I am talking about headers, footers, margin settings, printing left/right pages, better outlining tools (roman numerals, etc.), a wider selection of bullets, page breaks, ... the whole nine yards. Also, the ability to change those settings from document to document.
You have to know what I am talking about if you have ever tried creating a professional looking document in Notes.
As far as Excel goes, I think views are an underdeveloped tool. I guess, in my minds eye, I'm seeing that once a view is created and it is open on the screen, there would be some way (without using Excel) to easily do any/all of the following:
Quickly re-categorize the view by dragging any column heading down to a list of row headings, to cross-tabulate the data. Cross-tabulated data could have multiple levels. In other words, I could drag a 2nd/3rd column down to the cross-tabulated row to create levels. Row/column totals could quickly be added/removed from the crosstab.
Detail rows within the view could be hidden/made visible with a single click.
If detail rows are visible, the division between categories could be made more clear by adding double spacing between categories, or changing the color of category rows.
The functions available to perform math on or sort columns would be expanded to include the functions available in Excel.
Buttons would be available in the action bar to be used to create graphs or perform other analyses.
The payoff in my mind is a product that can compete more directly with the Office product. People who use Excel/Word all day every day and to do everything would begin to see the value of the backend database and begin to wonder if they are over using Office.