In a Notes Database where locking is enabled, a user without admin rights but the right to delete documents, is not allowed to delete documents without locking them before hand. This makes the UI for users counter intuitive and uneccessary complex and in case of high number of documents, very slow. The UI behaviour for deleteing a document in a DB without locking and one with locking enabled, looks differently for the user.
For developers it is also bad if you write code to delete i.e. a collection of documents and instead of using the command Collection.RemoveAll you have to code a loop to lock and then delete one document after the other. The latency of such a loop is quite high. A Domino server could do this much much faster.
And to write this code as a generic code for a library, one has to always check whether the DB is locking enabled or not, the user has admin rights or not and use then case specifc code.
Locking a collection of several thousands of documents in home office can be a very time consuming process because of all the latencies adding up. This is contra productiv.
Thus please change the deletion process, so that a user who was given in the ACL the right to delete documents, can actually delete a document also in this DB with locking enabled, if the document is not locked by someone else.