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Seems like I've imported CSV more recently than v9 but maybe not. I need to import it today though.
The 12.0.1 Beta 2 install adds all the following lines to notes.ini but 1, 4 and 6 are ignored:
VIEWIMP1=Lotus 1-2-3,0,_IWKSV,,.123,.WK1,.WK3,.WK4,.WKS,.WR1,.WRK,,4,
VIEWIMP2=Structured Text,0,_ISTR,,.CGN,.LTR,.STR,._UNKNOWN,,,1,
VIEWIMP3=Tabular Text,0,_ITAB,,.PRN,.RPT,.TAB,.TXT,.TSV,,1,
VIEWIMP5=Calendar File (.ics),0,_IICAL,,.ICS,.VCS,,1,
VIEWIMP6=Comma Separated Value,0,_ICSV,,.CSV,,1,
Just re-enable that .ini setting that allowed 1-2-3 to be available as an import option (in the Notes fat Client). It can remain undocumented but for devs trying to accommodate legacy processes, the ability to show it on an "as-needed" basis was handy.
yes please add csv import support at least, Excel import would be such a time saver.....
I agree. Many of the Domino apps I have created to replace disparate systems involve migrating existing customer data from the old software being used. It is a selling point when I approach customers about migrating to Domino. The work around is be sure to do this with a Domino 9 client which still has Lotus 1-2-3 import function, which was not the greatest solution, but at least worked if you had an old version of Lotus 1-2-3. I was very excited to see that Notes 10 boasted the new ability to import directly from Excel and other commonly used extensions, only to be disappointed that this referred only to document level import with RTF. Notes used to have view level import to create new documents using 1-2-3. Please either reinstate 1-2-3 import functionality, or add the ability to import any type of extension at view level to create new documents from commonly used file types such as Excel or Open Office.