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HCL Domino Ideas Portal

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Status Assessment
Workspace Notes
Created by Guest
Created on Dec 17, 2018

Calendar: Meeting blockers, meeting coordination and Doodle integration

== What's it about? ==

Meeting Management is an important and time-consuming task, especially when it goes across organization borders.

== UseCase ==

A meeting chair wants to offer alternative meeting dates to a community, have the community send feedback, then decide on the actual meeting date based on users response. This is standard Doodle functionality.

Availability across organizations may not be shared within Notes, so there is no possibility to look up availability based on the calendar of the participants.

However, as the meeting chair (and possibly other Invitees) you need to block various dates in your calendar, which should show up as "not available" until the actual date is selected, and which clear up when the actual date is selected. 

To do this, the existing "repeating meeting" functionality needs to be enhanced by

- selecting one date of a meeting list and delete all the others (currently, only the other way round is possible)

- creating a repeating meeting and offer an interface to services like Doodle to automatically create a meeting request where all the options get listed and sent to invitees (remember: Outlook and others do not support repeating meetings based on custom dates!)

A "meeting request" feature working only in Notes/Domino seems to be less useful as the main challenge is to coordinate meetings across organization borders (Notes- and non-Notes users) and services like Doodle are a de-facto-standard for this requirement.

== Who will benefit? ==

Anyone who has to coordinate meetings based on alternative dates.

  • Attach files

create a doodle like tool for scheduling. With the possibility to transfer the found appointment with the participants into a meeting invitation.

No description provided
over 6 years ago in Notes 3 Assessment