Currently Appointments only provide unstructured text area to describe the event. To effectively enable customer relationship management, doctor/lawyer client appointments, or other professional engagements, there is often a need to associate the appointment with another database or application which provides structured data regarding the customer / client.
To add additional fields to the Mail Template for calendar records creates a real application maintenance problem for new Notes versions and FP updates. Having several fields added to the design with labels that could be set via Policy or similar would ease the task of linking the calendar to other databases.
In a group setting, how does a receptionist answer a question like when is customer X meeting with staff Y. The group calendars are effective for knowing an block of time is scheduled. but lacking in terms of detail.
There is also the issue of meetings, needing to differentiate between staff meetings and meeting (group appointments) with several patients/customers.
Bottom line Calendars need to integrate some basic concepts of appointment scheduling management for any organization that is servicing people.