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Let's Encrypt Certificate Exchange between Domino and SafeLinx

As Domino 12 is able to use Let's Encrypt for certificate management, enhance SafeLinx, so that it can use the certificates fetched/managed by Domino and the new Certificate Manager (CertMgr).

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    • Guest
      Aug 20, 2023

      The HCL Safelinx community container has support to query certificates externally to merge them into the SafeLinx server PEM.

      This approach would not only work with CertMgr, but also with other methods to aquire certificates.

      See details here:

      You find details in the entrypoint script ->

      Safelinx uses PKCS12 (p12) which is a well known standard. Certbot would be just one type of solution that could be deployed by an admin if really needed. This isn't something I would expect from the vendor if most of the use cases include Domino in some way and Domino has an implementation already.

      If an admin really prefers Certbot there is no direct integration needed from SafeLinx side.
      The certificate just must be stored in PKCS12 format with the right password.

      There are many different ways to supply certificates. Certbot is just one of them.

      [ Daniel Nashed / HCL Lifetime Ambassador ]

    • Guest
      Jun 18, 2022

      It's not just about CertMgr or ACME. But SafeLinx uses a standard format -- PKCS12.

      Integrations would be a lot easier if PEM would be supported.
      Separate the cert from an encrypted PEM key.

      I have built a couple of integrations for CertMgr and other sources.

      CertMgr uses standards. Everything is PEM based. and you have PEM and PKCS12 export options.

      ACME can work with redirects to any ACME client to port 80 and 443.

      There are many options.

      But this does not need to be CertMgr in all cases.

      When you store a new P12 on a SafeLinx server (with the right password) SafeLinx will switch to the new key/cert imediately.

      You can integrate CertBot and other solutions with SafeLinx.

      With an own ACME integration by HCL pushing an integration with CertBot, I would not expect HCL to implement it.

      But CertBot is a open source solution and pretty open. It's not more difficult to implement on your own.

      I personally find CertBot too complicated.

      CertMgr is much easier and flexible. But yes it is Domino based ;-)

    • Guest
      Mar 1, 2022

      I would like an more open Let's Encrypt support for SafeLinx instead of binding it to the Domino CertMgr.
      On Linux provide an SafeLinx plugin for Certbot, so that after an renewal SafeLinx can pickup the new cert and let SafeLinx handle the anoymous ./wellknown HTTP challenge. That should not be taht complicated.
      On Windows use one the wide use Windows ACME clients and provide a SafeLinx plugin, too.

    30 MERGED

    Support of Let's Encrypt to generate and auto-update certificates

    It would be great, if SafeLinx could use Let's Encrypt to auto-generate and update certificates posted by Detlev Poettgen - midpoints GmbH
    over 4 years ago in SafeLinx 2 Shipped