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In which version is it shipped?
If it is shipped, how do we access it?
Robert Read
Technology Manager
+64 27 8073426
I am based at:
Unit 2 / 295 Blenheim Road
PO Box 16147, Hornby
03 349 4250
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Ich werde ab 18.12.2019 nicht im B�ro sein. Ich kehre zur�ck am
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
Vielen Dank f�r Ihre Nachricht. Ich befinde mich bis einschlie�lich
05.01.2020 im Urlaub. Ab dem 06.01.2020 bin ich wieder gern f�r Sie
Freundliche Gr��e
Henry Haker
Hinweis: Dies ist eine automatische Antwort auf Ihre Nachricht "Add support
for attachment(s) in calendar entries. status has changed to Shipped"
gesendet am 22.12.2019 20:48:03.
Diese ist die einzige Benachrichtigung, die Sie empfangen werden, w�hrend
diese Person abwesend ist.
Ich werde ab 11.11.2019 nicht im B�ro sein. Ich kehre zur�ck am
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
Vielen Dank f�r Ihre Nachricht. Ich bin bis einschlie�lich 12.11.2019 au�er
Haus. Bitte wenden Sie sich in dringenden F�llen an die Teamassistenz
Frau Katharina Radel.
Tel.: +49 30 2260549-15
Freundliche Gr��e
Henry Haker
Hinweis: Dies ist eine automatische Antwort auf Ihre Nachricht "Add support
for attachment(s) in calendar entries. status has changed to Planned"
gesendet am 12.11.2019 00:36:36.
Diese ist die einzige Benachrichtigung, die Sie empfangen werden, w�hrend
diese Person abwesend ist.
The decision-maker of a customer is asking for this feature. He's thinking about to migrate the e-mail to O365. If I'm telling him: Attachments in calendar entries is not supported in Domino and running well in MS world - guess what he would like to do?
Important requirement of our users, especially from the management
is a very Important requirement of our users. please find a solution soon.
Hi Team, when will attachment support be added to calendar entries in Verse please ?
Hi Team, when is attachment support for calendar entries going to be added in Verse please ?
We have swished from Maas360 Native Mail to IBM Verse for ios. we have around 1000 clients who consider this a major breaking point and big downgrade compared to the old Mail client. Please fix it asap
Dear Support Team,
I am another (poor) Domino Admin that report customer perplexity and needs about this limitation. Would be very useful to fix it.
Attachment in calendar is funcionality that was in use long before mobile calendar and mail was deployed. Most users became mobile and thus naturally expect all information (incl attachments) to be synced to Verse and IOS. Not to mention, that competitive product support that already.
Please enable users to see calendar attachments via Blackberry, iPhone, etc.
Important requirement of our users, especially from the management.
Some of our customers thinking about to switch to Exchange for this reason.
Periodically our users ask the admins to help to get calendar attachment. Please add support for calendar attachments.