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meeting invitation missing in IBM verse app if there are many meetings overlapping the same time slot

Traveler server , IBM verse app 9.5.1 and Notes client 901

Sometimes users could not find meeting invitation in IBM verse app. But all the invitations could be found in Notes client.

We can reproduce this problem when there are many meetings overlapping the same time slot and those meetings have different start and stop times.

For example: one meeting at around 10:00~12:00 and the other meeting at 11:00~12:00
Then the overlapped invitation will displays on the right side of the previous invitation.
So if we tested when the overlapped invitations become over 4 or 5 times.
Then there will be invitations missing when checking at IBM verse app.

This is an issue for this problem on development backlog. 

The current workaround is:

If multiple meetings during the same timeframe is a normal practice we recommend using the agenda view since it displays a simple list of meetings by start time rather than attempting to graphically draw a representation of each meeting in what ends up being a complex display of very small meeting events.


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    • Guest
      Feb 12, 2022

      We are well aware of this issue so it is our plan to fix it.

    • Admin
      Thomas Hampel
      Nov 11, 2018

      Moving this idea to Verse Mobile for iOS because it seems to be about to the client.