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HCL Domino Ideas Portal

Welcome to the #dominoforever Product Ideas Forum! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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Status Under Consideration
Workspace Traveler
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 17, 2019

provide a way to limit the Rate/Frequency a particular message is sent from Verse

Background to the issue:
The customer has an Android user that experiences an issue with one of their sent mails going into an Infinite Loop...
From the logs for this issue we see for example the same email from 09:35am send from Traveler device to 1:42pm (7 mails sent every seconds)

We don't know if the cause is a issue on the Android device or a Traveler bug.
Nothing was changed in the environment, mail template is standard R8.
The user that was affected in this case only had one mail message that is continuously resending to the same two internal users. The same User later that today from Traveler sent another mail to an external mail address but had no problems at all.
A Reset appears to resolve the issue at the moment.

Reason for the request:
Obviously with so many mails being sent every second over a period of time it is going to result in vast amount of log entry and in turn they are concerned it would affect the performance of the system. Especially if it happens when the system is not being monitored at off peak hours (over night).

Enhancement Request:
The customer is asking for a method to limit the Rate/Frequency a particular message is sent from Verse.
Can a way be implemented that would allow a user (maybe Admin) to either manually or automatically limit the rate mails can be sent from Verse mobile device?
Possibly a parameter or setting that can automatically limit the number of massages that can be sent or received from a particular user ID in a defined period of time. Maybe an INI setting that if an upper limit of message are being sent to or by a particular ID in a defined period of time then the Rate/Frequency of these message can be controlled. So for example if an ID was detected sending say 10 messages per second over a period of time like 10 minutes or longer then this setting would automatically limit the rate (or maybe block it altogether) of these message so as not to affect either the user system or the recipients system.
Basically the customer is asking that if this issue was to happen again that there be a way that could be implemented to limit the flood of the mail message sent.

The customers concern is that if this issue was to arise with an External address it could result in them being blacklisted.

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