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In VOP 2.2 still the same old iNotes contacts.
At least three views for the contacts:
My contacts
Other contacts
Other contacts would be any automatically saved contact information when you interact with people. It must be possible to convert or merge an “other contact” into a “my contact”.
This week VOP 2.1 was released and no changes in Contact Management (still INotes) - what means "... is high up on our list" ??? Is this feature so complicated to implement ?
Expect this soon.
This is high up on our list.
Add sender to Contact is a must have feature
That point does currently separate VOP from professional mail clients. We are still at the POC phase with Verse at many customers. As soon as iNotes has been gone from VOP everybody with a Domino can us it. Even if it's a "Microsoft Outlook company"!
I agree. Compared to other email solutions, Verse is not very user-friendly for contact management purposes.
Yes, Yes, Yes that would be great! It woul be the obviously the most visible optimization.
If I am teaching VOP, this is my only bad point about it.
iNotes contacts management stops our from applying VOP to the production.
Different GUI knocks down users and causes confusion.
absurd to open iNotes in contact management.
Set up the interface as in Verse
I'm agree, this is key