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Beginning in Verse 3.1, users can now recall a sent message from one or all recipients. For more information, see How can I recall a sent message?
More and more customers are requesting this feature.
here's the link for the delayed delivery idea
PS an edit last comment in AHA would be helpful too ;)
it's two different requests; the initial request is looking for the "undo send" option, as available in GM, the second one if feature parity Notes/Verse in regards to scheduling the delivery. I'm in favor of both, but the requests should be split I guess.
This feature already exists in the native Notes client as "Delay Delivery Until" under "Delivery Options" of individual mails.
The feature is not available in Verse On Premises webmail.
I understand this idea suggests feature parity in this respect between Notes and VoP, which makes sense.
[ Toni Feric, Belsoft Collaboration ]
I would love to see the functionality "Delay Until"... to postpone sending the e-mail to a certain day/time. Same functionality as in newer Notes clientes
This would indeed a nice feature, requested by customers and users that have been migrated to Domino from G Suite.
Gmail has a feature called "Undo Send" to delay for a few second the delivery of mails, allowing users to stop such messages within that time.
Here is the description of this feature on Gmail: